Wednesday 31 January 2007

consumerism can be fatal

I needed a toothbrush.
I walked into the store.
I looked for the toothbrush.
I saw the entire isle of toothbrushes.
Which one did I choose?

It's like another one of those 'why did the chicken cross the road' type of riddles... there is no right answer. I mean they're toothbrushes, for goodness sakes!

So the salesgirl came, and she was a promoter for that one particular brand of toothbrush (which, by the way, had about ten different ranges even within that brand) and she started showing me the different types, and then recommended to me a few that she thought would 'suit' my mouth (and no, I did not show her the insides of my mouth), and went on, and on, and on about how good it was. After about 20 minutes deciding on the so-called 'best' toothbrush, I paid and left. Now I'm still in doubt if it really was the one I would have chosen, or whether I took it only to politely shut her off. Well, at least I didn't take the most expsensive one - and I now have a tongue scrubber attached to my toothbrush. Hooray.

And I thought buying a toothbrush was a brainless chore.

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