Friday 26 January 2007

'Book Tagged' by Jessie

1) Grab the closest book to you.
2)Open to page 123, go down to the 4th sentence.
3) Post the text of the following 3 sentences on your blog.

"Inmediatamente después, se retiró bruscamente. Pedro no se merecía el que lo quisiera tanto. Había mostrado debilidad al irse lejos de ella y eso no se lo perdonaba."

4) Name of the book and author: Como Agua para Chocolate, by Laura Esquivel.

Instead of writing my own synopsis, I searched for it on Wikipedia, and sure enough, it summarized this book very well, so here u go...

"The novel follows the story of a young girl named Tita who longs her entire life for her lover, Pedro, but can never have him because of her domineering mother's traditional belief that the youngest daughter must not marry but instead care for her parents. Tita is only able to express her passions and feelings through her cooking, which causes the people who taste it to experience what she feels." (Wikipedia online)

I watched the movie for this story a few years back, and it's idea of magical realism really enticed me to finally pick the book up while I was in Spain. I strongly recommend this book, and if you're not Spanish literate, do not fret as this book has been translated into 30 different languages. So if you manage to get hold of it, do open it as it's definitely a great read.

5) Tagging time!
- Cecilia
- Julie
- Siew Lian
- Reuben
- My new housemates! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WTH...if i am not mistaken..that cecilia should be me right? apparently i have a pretty good image in your mind because you thought of me first for this book tag "activity" of yours! WOOHOO! okok i shall do it on my blog... you gotta visit my blog and leave comments then! wow this is a long comment man!